Thursday, January 27, 2011

11 months (and 1 day)

I finished Carter's birthday invitations last night...
We are one month away from his first birthday...
My how time flies when you're having fun!

Our baby is 11 months old.

Here are some of Carter's "loves..."
-his blanket!!!!!
-the bathroom
-standing by the tub
-taking baths
-playing in the kitchen drawers
-the dishwasher
-the vacuum
-his toothbrush
-his hairbrush
-my wreath that is hanging on the fireplace screen
-other babies
-being in a shopping cart
-going for walks
-playing with our computer (he knows exactly what button to push to turn it off)
-my cell phone
-our full length mirror in our room
-looking out the window from the couch
-REMOTE CONTROLS!!!!! (So much so that he ordered a movie)
-the drawers in the bathroom
-his toys
-playing in his closet with the toys that are put away
-closing and opening doors
-car keys (took me 20 minutes to find them one day on my way to a subbing job)

These are the things Carter loves the most! He is fun and silly and keeps us both on our toes!
Here are a few more things about our little man...
-He is finally drinking out of sippy cups and doing it well! This just started this last week.
-He is sleeping through the night!! Do you hear that folks?!?!?!?!? Sleeping through the night!!!!! We are at three full weeks of mostly successful nights! He goes down about 8 and sleeps between 6 and 7:30 usually. I cannot tell you how happy this makes me!
-Many days he only takes one nap. Some days he still takes two, it just depends on when he gets up in the morning and how early his first nap is.
-He is eating so much now. He absolutely loves avocado! He also loves cheese, egg, whole wheat bread, Greek yogurt blueberries, raspberries, banana, most veggies, cheerios and lots more. He really loves to eat what we are eating and does a lot of begging. Especially if he knows we are eating ice cream!
-He has six teeth now!
-He still waves ALL THE TIME! He loves waving at everyone. It is sooooo cute!
-He loves walking all over the house with his push cart or anything that he can get to move in front of him.
-He is losing his "babiness" look and looking more and more like a toddler everyday. :(
-He gets into EVERYTHING!
-He loves looking at books. He doesn't really wait long enough for us to actually read a page before he is turning the page but he still likes looking.
-He loves playing my moms piano.
-He still hates getting his diaper changed but we are starting to have a few more easy changes than we used to.
-He has a way of making people feel special. He is so good with people and really warms up to them.

I feel like I could keep going but I am going to go watch American Idol with my man! We are so thankful for the precious gift that Carter is to us! I know I say this way too often and I sound like every other mom out there...but our baby is growing up way too fast! I am grieving the time we won't ever get back with Carter and bursting with excitement and joy with the time that we still have with him and all of the new things he will do and learn!

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