Monday, February 27, 2012

Party Pics

The night before his birthday Carter got to open a couple presents from out of town family. He was super excited because he saw Minnie Mouse as soon as he opened this gift.

We had a lunch birthday party after church on his actual birthday. I served sandwiches, chips, and fruit and had fish cupcakes for dessert. We had lots of family and friends over and appreciate everyone wanting to celebrate our little guy with us.

We used real fish to decorate the table. This was a fun surprise for Carter. I am sure you have figured out that our theme was fish.

He was not sure about this whole singing happy birthday thing.

And then he wouldn't blow the candles out.

And he also wouldn't eat any part of the cupcake...strange kid!
I tried taking a bite to see if he would follow my lead but no such luck!

He was all for opening presents though. He was blessed so much with some fun and great gifts!

Carter realizes that Kiera has one of his new presents which he quickly grabbed from her...(don't worry, I made him share with her after we all laughed)
But if you had noticed in the above picture Kiera had his Giants hat on...
He didn't notice it right away but we were all waiting for his reaction when he did notice...
Almost on cue, he looked up and had the funniest look on his face before attacking and grabbing it off her head...
Still trying to get it while the rest of us are laughing hysterically...

After I laughed for a second and he got his hat back I made him give her one of his new toys to play with.

These two are so funny! They act like siblings :)

We got Carter a fish take and fish for his birthday present. This is the big reveal...

He was very surprised and loved it! He could stand there at his dresser for hours watching the fish.

We had a fun day celebrating our Carter man!! Thanks to everyone who came and helped us celebrate his birthday!

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