Sunday, February 19, 2012

35 Weeks

Tomorrow I hit 35 weeks pregnant! In two days, I hit just four weeks left until Madelynn will be here! Four weeks? How did I get this close to being a mom of two?
Time really is going by very quickly and for that I am thankful. I am ready to have my baby girl in my arms rather than inside of me. And I'll be honest and say I am ready to go back to sleeping through the night without my arms falling asleep 45 times.
At this point in my pregnancy with Carter I was on full bedrest and a blood pressure medication. So far, with only four weeks left to go, I still haven't taken any medication and haven't been put on bedrest. My blood pressure has been really good the last couple of weeks. I had one week that it went a little high but since then I am just being a little more careful, trying to rest when Carter naps, and lying down quickly when I can tell it might be going up. And it's working! Every doctor appointment and most of the time when Jay checks my blood pressure it has been in the low 120's over low 80's. Can't get any better than that! I am so thankful this pregnancy is treating me a little better since I have my little man to keep up with! I think the difference has been working from home only part time this year rather than full time in a classroom full of second graders like when I was pregnant with Carter.
Just a few little things about my pregnancy...
She moves a lot, gets hiccups almost daily, and often stops moving as soon as I tell Jay to come look. I've gained right around 12 pounds, my ring still fits during parts of the day and then must be taken off some of the time, feet get a little swollen when I do too much but not all that often, and hips are starting to hurt at night but the worst part of sleeping is my arms falling asleep constantly. I am still keeping up with Carter but just a little slower and I can tell the waddling has started. I have always loved sugar but I think it may actually be considered a craving with this pregnancy. We had a second ultrasound at our doctor's office to check on Madelynn's growth and was told we are still having a girl. We were so thankful to hear that confirmation! She is measuring a little big but so was Carter who came six days late and weighed 7 lbs. 10 oz so I'm not too concerned. I feel like I may have had a few braxton hicks contractions over the last few days but I always second guess myself. I don't think I ever had any with Carter so I might not know what I am looking for. Things are still going great and I am thankful for the smooth pregnancy so far!
Her room is probably 60% complete but my goal is to have it more like 80% complete by Carter's birthday in one week. So hopefully pictures are coming soon!

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