Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Update on naptime...

For our own records and for family who care...

We are on day four of naptime in his new big boy bed and every day has been a big success! Every day I have still had to go in twice but more because I was just trying to figure out what the noise was than Carter doing anything he shouldn't be doing. He has been in his bed everytime I have gone in but just rolling around and playing with his stuffed animals. Today when I went to see what the noise was he was opening and closing his curtains, which hang down near the top of his bed. Don't worry, they are just fabric curtains and not blinds with cords or anything.

It seems to take him a little longer to fall asleep in his new bed but he is actually staying in bed and he does fall asleep within 20 to 30 minutes. I am okay with that. His shortest nap so far has been an hour and a half and his longest has been two hours. I am hoping he will start stretching them longer since he was always a 2 1/2 to 3 hour napper in his crib. But I'll take what I can get. I am proud of my boy!

We'll attempt night time in there soon.

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