Yes, he is still in his jammies even though this is nap time. But hey, it's a Saturday and we are just working around the house and he is comfy. We gave him a drink of milk before bed, laid down with him and told him that he was going to go night night in this bed, kissed him and walked out.
Here he is as we walked out of his room. I'm not going to lie, this is a pretty rough transition for me so far. I was standing in Carter's nursery where the empty wall was after taking down his name and hanging it in his new room, and began to cry. My little man, my first born is growing up and our whole world is changing. It is of course changing in the most amazing way and we can't be more thrilled and thankful to be having a little girl in a couple of months but it is still changing and effecting me in ways I didn't realize it would. I remember back when we began to set up Carter's nursery and get it decorated just how I wanted it. I couldn't believe we were going to be bringing a little boy into our house and that he would be ours. And now, 22 months later, we are moving him out of his nursery and into his big boy room, as I like to call it. It's tough. But so great too.
Right after we left his room, we heard him get out of bed and walk to the door. I opened the door to put him back in bed and he had his Giants hat on that had been hanging on his doorknob. What a funny kid. So Jay and I both took him back to bed, laid down with him again, kissed him and walked out. A couple minutes later we heard him playing with something so I went in there and he had pulled down a fire truck that was sitting on the shelf next to his bed and was playing with least he was still in bed. I took it away, laid him down, kissed him, and walked out. Twenty minutes later I believe he is fast asleep. I have been sitting on the floor in the hallway playing on the computer so that I could tell what he was doing. He chatted for a few minutes like he always does in his crib and now I haven't heard a peep for at least 15 minutes. This may be a successful transition!
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