Carter had his first hair cut today! He did really well. We took him to Daryl's Barber Shop. These two pictures are before he started cutting. When we first put Carter in the chair, he started to freak out. All it took was a lolly pop to take all his worries away. He has never had a sucker before either so it was a day of "firsts." As we expected, he loved the sucker! He sat really nicely the whole time and sucked on his sucker. It was a good experience and he looks so handsome and grown up with his new look!

And the cutting begins...

Look at all the hair on his shoulders...sob sob :(

He wasn't too sure about the noise the razor thing made but he did okay.

Much better! He was actually starting to look a little too mullet like in the back. Now it is nice and short. And it doesn't hang over his ears anymore. My baby is growing up!

Okay...so I totally forgot to take a "before" picture of our soon to be garden which, quite frankly, ticks me off! We have always wanted this space in our backyard to be a garden but for two years now, we have just let it grow leaps and bounds with weeds. We are talking completely COVERED in weeds anywhere from three to six feet tall. I was so overwhelmed at even the thought of starting this project but I wanted a garden so bad! Yesterday, we decided during Carter's nap to just go out there and look at it and discuss ideas of getting started. We ended up working for about 30 minutes and made so much progress that we got back out there today and finished it! It was actually way easier than we expected! We even borrowed a rota til and got it completely ready for a garden. I am soooooooo excited!!!! Now I just need to figure out how to plant a garden...minor details. :)

Carter loved watching us work! He sat in his car for 45 minutes while we worked. What a trooper!

Oh glorious...fresh veggies, here we come!!!
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