Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas #4...Christmas Day Evening

Now on to the fourth and final Christmas celebrations...
It is so important to us to be with each of our parents and Carter's grandparents for Christmas which means we have lots of different places to go and people to see.
Our final Christmas was with Jay's mom later in the day on Christmas day. We came home from my dad's around 1ish and put Carter down for a much needed nap. We had her over later in the afternoon for appetizers, desserts, and of course, some more presents.

Jay and I had a few more presents for Carter to unwrap. We had bought him a few books and puzzles and I decided it was a great idea to wrap them each individually. Maybe not the best plan for a one year old. He would have been just fine opening four puzzles at once rather than four seperate gifts.

He seemed excited about all of his puzzles though. But he had so many new things to play with that he kept himself pretty busy all day long.

New slippers from us. He wore them the rest of the evening. Yay! I hoped that he would like them and actually wear them.

My silly looking snowman cheese ball dip. I forgot to get something to do a hat so he isn't quite complete but he's cute and tasty.

A new truck book from us that he loved. He loves all large vehicles. This morning he saw the picture of the ambulance (which looks nothing like Jay's ambulance) and screached "da eee!" To Carter ambulances and Daddy go hand in hand.

Opening presents from Jay's mom. Carter loved all of the fun little toys he got from her.

He loved the Buzz light year toy. He talks and goes across the floor.

He also got a little pony from Grandma. He loves horses right now!

Giving the dog on the puzzle kisses.

Silly boy!

Reading with Grandma.

Thank you Grandma for all of Carter's great gifts! He loves playing with all of his new toys! Thanks for our gifts too! We love them!

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