Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas #1...Christmas Eve

We had a nice relaxing day all day on Christmas Eve and then got ready for our church's Christmas Eve service. It was nice service with the many distractions of having our Carter man in the service with us. We did pretty well but we still had to work pretty hard at keeping him distracted and quiet. After church we came back to our house and my mom came over. We always celebrate Christmas with her on Christmas eve. We had soup, salad, and french bread and then opened all of our gifts to or from her.

While my mom and I were getting dinner ready Jay introduced Carter to the Wii. He enjoyed it but didn't quite understand the concept. He tried playing baseball and understood that he needed to swing the remote but just didn't know when to swing it.

Carter got lots of new books from Grandma and loved all of them. He is super into books.

We got him his annual new Christmas jammies but this year I wrapped them and had him open them that evening.
My mom also gave him his very own little boom box/stereo and some CD's. This stereo is pretty cool because it is like a race car and even makes race car sounds before playing the CD. Carter loved it.

Checking out his new stereo with a huge smile on his face.

Um...LOVE his little smile :)

Reading some of his new books with Grandma and watching Jay and I open one gift from each other. We save most of ours for Christmas morning but we each chose one to open that night.

Jay opened his new tool belt from me.

And I opened my brand new camera lense from Jay. My lense has been broken for a long time and was just the little lense that came with my camera years ago. Jay spoiled me rotten and got me my dream lense! Maybe I'll start getting back into photography a little more now that I have an amazing lense!

This was about 9:00 when Carter was hitting his limit. The melt downs were beginning.

He is still so cute when he is melting down so I had to capture the moment.

This is the full blown melt down...

Reading with Grandma.

Singing into his new microphone. I love it that a $2 stocking stuffer from Target can be such a great gift!

I didn't get a picture of it because it's still in the box but my mom got us our double stroller for when Madelynn comes. We LOVE it and are so thankful that she blessed us with that large and very necessary purchase! Thanks Mom! You blessed and spoiled each of us so much!

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