Monday, November 28, 2011

Some Fun

We had a movie night a couple weeks back and, I actually can't remember what we watched but it was a movie for Carter. We moved our matress into the living room and had lots of snuggle time and enjoyed a movie. It is fun to be able to do this with Carter now. He looks so serious in these pictures but he sat and watched the movie with us for a long time. He seemed to enjoy it. These are fun family times!

Carter loves to sit at the table and sometimes likes to be risky and climb onto the table. We are telling him that this isn't okay but first I had to take a couple pictures...what mom wouldn't?

He was being such a ham!

And then there's the computer desk...We moved it into the kitchen and now he thinks it is a fun place to play. I have to put the pens back in the pen jar probably five times a day. This was the first time he actually climbed up onto the desk though. The little stinker :)

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