So two days ago I hit 19 weeks and tomorrow (Thursday, November 3rd) is the day of our long awaited ultrasound to find out if we are having a Madelynn Grace or a Bryson James. Yes, those are our two names and I am pretty sure they are set in stone. But with me you never know :)
I had another check up appointment like I do every month last week and had a little bit of an elevated blood pressure. It was only 130 over 88 but I guess that freaked my doctor out a bit. He said at this point in pregnancy most women's blood pressure actually drops lower than the normal. For those of you who didn't follow my pregnancy with Carter (probably most of you because that's not exactly the most exciting thing to follow when it isn't your own pregnancy) I went on bedrest for six weeks at the end of my pregnancy with high blood pressure. So of course we are all expecting it again but also hoping it won't be till the very end, if at all. Well, 19 weeks is way stinkin' too early if you ask me! My doctor wanted to get me on the prescription blood pressure medicine again right away but I pushed back a little with him. I asked him if I could have one week to change a few things in my life (like walking, drinking more water, eating more veggies, etc...) and to just see if it was a fluke thing or if it really is the start of my high blood pressure. Well I went on one walk (ha!), drank TONS of water, worked a little on what I ate and then went back yesterday to check it again. It was 117 over 75!!! Woohoo!!! I was so excited to be able to go longer without having to take a prescription! I am going to try hard to keep working on my health and pray that I can keep the meds out of my life for quite a while. I just hate taking medication when I'm pregnant, but I will when the time comes! Plus with the CONSTANT headaches I get during my pregnancies, I am already taking enough of the prescription headache medicine. I don't want to take something else too!
Every appointment they ask me if I feel the baby moving. I have a few times but it seems like I was feeling Carter moving way more by now so I was getting a little nervous. I told my doctor so he listened to the heartbeat and said everything was perfect. We also got to hear the baby kick quite a few times. It is really neat to hear their movements! He said it is perfectly normal not to feel the baby all that much at this point in pregnancy and not to worry. This baby is funny because the doctor always has a little bit of a hard time finding the heartbeat. He always hears mine for a bit before he can locate the babies but then he always finds it and even hears kicking. Carter never had a hard time being found! Maybe this one is a girl or just a sneaky little boy :)
You may be bored with all of this information but I just want it written down somewhere so I will always remember this pregnancy :) I love how I feel right now! I have energy again and feel so great. I am still sleeping great and can still hold my Carter man. I know that will continue to get more difficult though. I am so thankful for this pregnancy!
Tomorrow is our big day and I can hardly contain my excitement to find out what we are having. It has always sounded fun to wait and have it be a surprise but I just can't do it! I can't wait to call this baby by their name and start preparing the room. I even can't wait to go buy the outfit for coming home from the hospital. I just love everything about this stage in pregnancy.
Stay tuned for hopefully an announcement tomorrow...
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