Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!

A couple nights ago we carved our pumpkin. I had dreams of the three of us sitting around our cute little pumpkin, all of us pulling out the insides, Carter smiling and screaching in pure joy at being able to get all messy with pumpkin guts, and Carter even helping Jay cut a cute smiley face in our pumpkin. I really don't live in the real world when it comes to a toddler. Carter wasn't the least bit interested in our pumpkin carving experience and in fact was incredibly grumpy and whiny! I eventually turned on Mickey Mouse so Jay and I could carve the pumpkin in peace. Not exactly what I pictured. Oh well. That is life with children. Jay did a fantastic job making a great face in our pumpkin and we enjoyed seeing it let for a few nights outside on our front porch.

The most we could get Carter to do was smack the pumpkin with a spoon. Once he started leaving dents in the outside of the pumpkin, we took the spoon away and that was the last participation we got from Carter.

It may look like he was participating here but I was really holding him hostage just for one picture. He didn't want to help at all!

For Halloween we got him a zebra costume. He LOVED it! He had already worn it around the house many times and if he ever saw it hanging in his closet, he screech and holler until we got it down and put it on him.

The rest of these pictures are from last night, Halloween night. We took him across the street to our neighbor Michelle and Carter got many kisses from her dog Cooper. Then we went to my mom's and then my dad's. THen it was back home and off to bed for the little man.

Sadly, he did not want his picture taken with our pumpkin. This was the best we could get.

Trick or treating at Grandma's house.

Our neighbor had given him these two cars that he wouldn't put down for anything. At my mom's he figured out how to work them and was having a blast playing with them. I loved his facial expressions.

Trick or treating at Grandma and Grandpa's house. He loved carrying his candy around.

Happy Halloween everyone from our cute zebra!

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