I never put any of our Valentine pictures on here so here they are. They are a little late but still cute. :) I bought Carter this Valentine's shirt. What little boy doesn't think love stinks? I thought it was perfect for this Valentine's Day.

My valentine's dinner for my two favorite boys in the world!

Eating his Valentine's dinner.

Where's Carter?

His new favorite toy, the crock pot. Why do we even buy him real toys?

For Grandma and Grandpa Hinderks. Here are a couple pics in his outfit. I will send them to you soon!

I forgot a couple things from his 12 month blog post that I want to add on here.
Weight...22 lbs 7.5 oz (45th %)
Height...29.5 inches (40th %)
Head...47.5 (80th %)
I adore that "Love Stinks" shirt! Too cute!