Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Weekend

I am just warning you now...
If you don't REALLY LOVE looking at pictures of my kids then I suggest you stop now :) This post is picture overload!
Here is our Easter weekend in pictures...

Madelynn got her first bath at home because her belly button finally fell off. Carter really enjoyed helping. Madelynn seemed to like it for the first minute and then she was done :)

We colored Easter eggs with Carter for the first time. He really enjoyed it. This is a hard activity to do with a two year old because we just couldn't let him go at it. We really had to do most of it so that our entire table and floor wasn't stained. He did really well though.

This is the face we get when we ask him to smile for a picture...

After nap time we hid his eggs outside in the front yard and had Carter go hunt for them. This was good practice for him for our church Easter egg hunt the next day.

He was super proud of his eggs...

On Saturday we went to out church's Easter egg hunt. Jay had class all day so he wasn't able to come :( It was my first time taking both kids out on my own. It went really well! I put Madelynn in the front pack and Carter was so good! He loved the Easter story and stood right by teacher Rhonda the whole time. Toward the end he started getting a little silly and put his basket on his head. He was so good though! It was just funny that he wanted to be up front the whole time while all the other kids sat on the floor with their parents. I would have done that too if I didn't have sweet Madelynn on me :)

After the story they got to decorate their baskets with stickers. Carter was so cute and careful to put his stickers on right where he wanted them. I like how his friend Eden next to him is watching what he is doing. Those two are so cute together!

And then the hunt began...
He knew exactly what to do because of our little practice run at home the day before. He is getting all of his eggs with his friend Keira. Seriously, this kids has so many little girlfriends.

Carter and Colton had matching baskets. They weren't overly impressed ;)

Emptying all the eggs to get his candy.

Carter and Keira watching the big kids do their Easter egg hunt

Jay and I did an Easter basket for Carter for the first time. We gave it to him Saturday evening. He was super excited about it!

All dressed up and ready for church on Easter. He looked so handsome!

After church we went to my mom's for lunch. Before we even went into the house we thought we would try and get a family picture...
Total disaster! Both kids were screaming. Madelynn was hungry and Carter was mad because we made him stop walking up and down the driveway to do a picture. This is the best we got for our first attempt.

After lunch and a little bribery, we finally got a nice picture of the four of us. Carter is so hard to photograph right now. He is super unpredictable and we never know when he will be in the mood to let us get a picture. We are usually chasing him around to try and snap something cute. Madelynn is a lot easier right now because she can't go anywhere :)

Grandma with her grandbabies

After lunch we went home and put Carter down for a nap. Madelynn slept too so Jay and I got to chill and watch a movie. Then we decided to go down to the capital and try and get a few pictures of our kiddos with the cherry blossom trees. This was a disaster. Really the whole day was a bit of a disaster. Carter was just in a terrible mood all day and very naughty. Madelynn was also cranky and cried a lot. Both Jay and I were in a bedroom with Carter at my mom's talking to him multiple times because all he wanted to do was walk up and down my mom's driveway. He threw a fit when it was time to eat, go inside, take a picture, etc. Then he threw a fit when it was time to go home, when it was time to get in bed and take a nap, when he woke up, when daddy's helicoptor needed to be charged and he was told we couldn't fly it right then, when we wouldn't go outside and blow bubbles, etc, etc. It was just one of those days! He loved walking around the capital but also wanted to be completely in control of where he went, even if it was walking toward the road. And throughout the whole day, Madelynn cried too. There were so many times that both kids were screaming at the same time and Jay and I would just look at each other and laugh. It was a crazy day :) But we love our two amazing kids and are so blessed that those days are few and far between.

Now does this look like a kid who would throw tantrums? He is just too cute! But he does know how to test his limits :)

I would have loved a picture with my little man but Madelynn was much easier to take a picture with.

This is what our day was like...

But then I fed her and was able to get some great pictures of Madelynn in her Easter dress.

And then I even got some precious moments with both kids. Carter was kissing her feet and I just LOVE these pictures!

He really loves his little sister!

1 comment:

  1. What fun pictures!! And it's good to laugh when your kids are being crazy..otherwise we'd go insane! :) LOVE the photos of you with Madelynn! You look fantastic and she's as sweet as ever. I need to see her (and you!)again!
