For some reason I cannot figure out how to blog at the top of the pictures. I am still figuring out this blogging thing. December 19th was our one year anniversary. We celebrated the night before because Jay had to work on our anniversary. He tried to do a trade for Friday but it just didn't work out. We still got to celebrate and that is all that matters. I had school until 11. It was our last day of school for Christmas break. After I got home, Jay took me to lunch at Sassy Onion. We ate breakfast at Sassy Onion the morning of our wedding. That could be a really nice tradition every year to go back there. I have a very thoughtful husband! Then we actually took a nap together. This may sound funny to do as we celebrate our anniversary but it was so nice to be able to do that together. After we got up, we dressed warm and drove to Portland to go to the Zoo lights. It was really cool to see the whole zoo all decked out with Christmas lights. And it was super warm out. I was actually hot most of the time. Then we drove back to Salem and went to dinner at Olive Garden. Another tradition we want to do is always watch our wedding video on our anniversary. So we watched that in bed and reminisced about that. We had such a special wedding and I love talking about it even now. Our anniversary was very special.
I really did marry the man of my dreams. I am so thankful for him and who he is as a man and as my husband. I am proud of him every day! I still ask myself many times how I got so lucky. Dear Jay...thank you for working so hard to provide for us and Carter. Thank you for finding little ways everyday to make me feel special and show me how much you love me. Thank you for making me laugh and protecting me. I love you with all my heart and can't wait for the next year and many more after that.
Such fun pictures! Can't believe it's been a year already! What fun it was last year on your big day! And now another BIG day to look forward to-the birth of your son! Happy Anniversary!