We had a great Christmas this year. This was sort of our first "real" Christmas as a married couple. Last year we were on our honeymoon in Cancun over Christmas so we really didn't celebrate. It was so fun to be in our house for it this year. We decorated the whole house, cut down our own tree, and even hosted one of the Christmas dinners with Jay's family. Christmas eve, we went to our church service which was a great service. Then we spent the evening with my mom. We had dinner together and opened presents. She spoiled Carter! She got us the pack n play.
She also got him some super cute clothes.
Thanks Mom for all the great stuff for Carter. We love what you got us too!
Jay and I opened our presents to each other late Christmas eve at home by our tree. We new Christmas day would be a little busy so we decided to have our own little Christmas together that night. It was fun to really shop for each other this year. Last year we didn't do any presents. He even had some fun with wrapping some of mine. This was a lamp that he bought me but he wrapped it with six different papers.
Christmas morning we went to my Dad's house for breakfast and presents. They also spoiled Carter. They got him tons of Giants clothing. It will be fun to go to a Giants game next summer with him all decked out in his Giants gear. I was in for a real surprise though, when my dad brought in the last gift. He brought me a little red gift bag that had a piece of paper in it. It was a picture of Carter's crib. There is a long story behind all of this though! I knew someone was getting it for us because I wanted to buy it so badly that Jay had to tell me to stop talking about it. I finally figured it out that he said that because someone was getting it for us. Anyway, I analyzed it for so long that I thought I had it all figured out even to the point that I thought Jay had gone to Portland, picked up the crib, brought it to Carter's room, and built it. Boy was I wrong! Jay did a great job of throwing me off the track though! It was in my dad's garage waiting for Christmas for them to surprise me with it. Thank you Dad and Lori for the beautiful crib! We appreciate it so much! I need to get better at letting people surprise me! We came right home and Jay put the crib together.
Christmas afternoon and early evening was with Jay's mom. We had a nice meal with her, opened some great presents, and played games. Two days later she surprised us with the mattress for Carter's crib from her, Grandma and Grandpa, and Jay's two uncles. Thanks guys!!! That was a huge surprise. Carter's crib is all set up and ready with all the bedding in it. We just need a baby in it now.
Two days after Christmas, Jay's grandparents, two uncles, and his mom came to our house for a Christmas dinner. We had a great time with them. We don't get to see them all that often so it was so fun to have them all over here for dinner.
We wish we could have seen Jay's other side of the family. We missed all of you tons! Thank you for the amazing gifts as well. It will be such a blessing to be able to have video of Carter! We love you all!
I also wanted to post some pictures of our house and our tree. These probably should have been put on here first but oh well. Here they are...
This is a horrible picture but you get the idea of what the outside of our house looked like.
This is the tree Jay really wanted. I didn't think it would fit in our living room very well.
This one is a little more our size.
Here is my 30 week picture. I am 32 weeks which I will post soon. Next year we will have a 10 month old for Christmas. That will so great!
I love your Christmas decorations-and your belly is adorable!!! Love it!