He LOVES giving kisses again! When he first learned how to kiss, he did it all the time but then stopped for a while. He is back to giving them to almost anyone! He even randomly gives them without being asked. Today he just leaned over with his mouth wide open and came in for a kiss. I don't think anything has ever made my heart fuller than to see my little man coming in for a kiss that I didn't even ask for. He is also super snuggly. He is the perfect balance of energetic boy who won't sit still for anything and sweet, calm, and snuggly mama's boy that makes my heart melt. There is nothing better than a Carter snuggle!
He is really becoming independent. He loves to walk anywhere that he can. He loves it when we are going to leave the house and I let him walk out the front door and down the stairs to the car, holding my hand of course.
He is understanding SO MUCH!!! When it is time for lunch, I just say "let's go have lunch," and he stops whatever he was doing and walks right out to the kitchen and stands by his highchair. If I say "do you want a snack?" he runs right into the kitchen and stands right in front of the cupboard where his snacks are. He knows exactly what I mean by "let's go bu bye, want some milk, let's go have lunch, want a snack, want to watch Chuggington, let's go take a bath, give it to mommy, and even...it's time to go nigh night. He will sometimes walk right into his bedroom when we tell him it is time go nigh night. I love that I can actually tell him things now and he gets it! This is a very fun stage!
He is still a great sleeper and sleeps through the night. He was even an amazing sleeper while we were traveling!! He did so great in Iowa and slept all night every night and took great naps. I think he actually took better naps there than he does at home.
He loves waving bye bye to people, cars, stuffed animals, etc... He also loves blowing kisses to anyone and everyone. So sweet!
He is really good at shaking his head no and letting me know when he doesn't want something. Almost too good! I am just waiting for the word "no" to come out of his mouth and not in a nice way. He also likes to push our arm away if we are trying to give him something he doesn't want. The other night, Jay and I were eating dinner on the couch (I know, we need to start breaking that habit) and Carter was eating bites of our dinner. He was standing by me on one side of the living room eating some of my food when Jay offered him some of his. Carter shook his head no, walked all the way to the other couch (probably about eight feet) just to push Jay's hand away because he didn't want to eat his food. Then he walked right back over to me and continued to eat from my bowl. We were laughing so hard. He really went out of his way to make sure that daddy knew he didn't want his dinner, only mommy's. Silly boy!
He has gone through a phase lately where he doesn't love being left with people he doesn't know real well. He isn't a fan of the nursery for the first minute but as soon as we are gone, he does just fine. He also isn't a fan of being left with the babysitter at our Bible study, but again, once we are really gone, he usually calms down and does okay. I didn't think he was going to go through this phase since we had made it this long without dealing with it, but we are here. Thankfully, as soon as we leave, he settles in and does okay. He loves playing with people and other kids so he just needs to be distracted and then he is back to himself.
He loves to read books. He is doing great at letting us read the whole page before he turns the page. Sometimes I have to read the last few words of a sentence really fast before the page is being turned but he loves it when we read to him! He points at a lot of the pictures and says "da dah." I think that is his word for a few different things..."I want that, I like that, look mommy look," etc.
He can open the front door now if it is unlocked. So now the door needs to stay locked at all times. He loves opeing things!
He loves playing outside and could do it ALL DAY LONG!
He is really funny. He just laughs really loud for no reason at all. If we are laughing or he hears laughing somewhere, he likes to join in. He just does silly things to make us laugh and I feel like he really knows what he is doing. He has such a cute personality. Along with that cute personality, is a very stubborn little man, just like his mommy! Even his stubborness is cute though.
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