Monday, November 19, 2012


Seriously, I have been gone from my blog forever.  Our computer has been freaking out and I couldn't figure out how to upload any pictures to anything for a few weeks.  I couldn't put pictures on here, facebook, order Christmas cards...nothing.  So frustrating!  But I finally figured it out and felt very "I am woman, hear me roar" when I finally conquered this dumb computer!  Yes, I figured it out myself!  I kept saying we were going to have a friend look at it who knows computers but it just wasn't happening and I was so tired of not being able to do my pictures that I spent a LONG time and figured it out.  Okay, enough about that.  Can you tell I am a little proud of myself!  I am so not computer savvy!

Since the pumpkin patch outing and blog we have done quite a bit.  All of which will get put on here soon.  We are now three days away from Thanksgiving, exactly one month away from our four year anniversary, and one month and six days away from Christmas.  It amazes me every year how we end up back to the holiday season so quickly.  This is honestly my favorite time of year and I really do love that it seems to come quickly. 

Yesterday was the 18th.  Exactly five years ago (yesterday) I met Jay.  That day changed me forever.  I am so thankful for that day!  I can honestly say that marriage is not always easy but I can honestly say that saying yes to being set up with Jay was the best decision I have ever made.  I am one incredibly blessed girl to be married to my husband.  Blind dates really do work people :)  We are living proof.  Thankfully it wasn't exactly a date but rather a get together with a few people who all wanted Jay and I to meet.  So I guess it was a blind get together.  Love you babe!

I'll be back soon with lots of pictures!  But here is one to tide you over :) Carter decided a nap on top of his rocking horse was a great way to nap that day.

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