Wednesday, September 26, 2012

She's 6 Months!

My baby girl is half a year old already!  She is just sweet as can be and a cute little peanut.  She just had her six month check up.  She weighs 13 lbs 13.5 oz which puts her in the 10th percentile.  What?  She is so tiny!  I was shocked!  She was 25 inches long which puts her in the 20th percentile for height and her head was in the 35th percentile.  I love how little she is. 

She rolls all over the place now and even scoots around on her belly.  She isn't crawling but she can still move around even without rolling.  She usually pushes herself backward and gets farther away from the toy she wants.  She gets frustrated when this happens.  She is starting to sit up but still very wobbly.  She does pretty well but sometimes gets too excited and flings her arms around and flops over.  We are not leaving her sitting unattended yet :)  

She loves to make noises with her mouth...she blows bubbles, makes zurbert sounds, yells and hollers, screaches and squeals.  And at night...cries :)  She is still a terrible sleeper.  She cries herself to sleep almost every night and sleeps for an hour and then is up again.  Then it's the same battle the rest of the night.  Sometimes I get three hours of sleep in between her wake-ups but often it is two or less.  It is incredibly hard but we are pushing through and trying everything to get her sleeping better.  

He first tooth popped through five days before she turned six months old (which is five days earlier than Carter's first tooth).  He second tooth just popped through today!  She was soooooooo cranky yesterday, slept terrible last night, and was super fussy this morning.  And then she went down for a nap and woke up with another tooth!  Praise Jesus!  She took terrible naps yesterday and I was just praying for that tooth to come through soon!  I could see it under the gums and new it was going to pop through any moment.  She took a 40 minute morning nap, 15 minute afternoon nap, and 30 minute late afternoon nap.  Terrible!  She already took a two hour nap this morning.  It's amazing how much better she can feel and sleep when that stinkin' tooth just comes through!   

She LOVES her brother!  She just smiles and stares at him whenever he is near her.  It is pretty sweet!  Carter is sweet to her 85% of the time.  He can be a little rough on her at times so I have to keep my eyes on him.  He started out so careful around her but now he gets a little wild.  And even a little naughty sometimes.  He really loves her though and loves to hold her and kiss her every night before bed.  I can't wait until Madelynn is older and can actually play with him.  He will love that! 

She is not eating solids very well.  Doctor Wilson actually suggested trying cheerioes, shredded cheese, egg yolk, etc to get her interested in eating and then adding in purees.  She loves cheerios and will eat them when I offer them to her.  She sometimes chokes and gags on them but she is getting better at swallowing.  Carter loved food the second it hit his mouth at four months old.  She is showing us how different every kid truly is!  I know she'll eat something eventually.   

She doesn't always like being held by people she doesn't know very well.  I always feel bad when someone wants to hold her so bad and then she cries :(  It's not every time though and it's usually worse when she's tired or hungry.  She does great in the nursery at church and I am thankful for that.  

She is wearing a size two diaper and 3/6 month clothes.  A lot of her three month clothes still fit but some are getting a little small.  Six month clothes though are still often too big.  She is in that transition phase.  Her eyes are still blue :)  Still not much hair but what hair she does have is blonde!  

She likes sitting in her high chair to play with toys, jumping in her jump-a-roo, and rolling around on the floor.  She will also hang out in her bouncy seat for a long time in the mornings.  I love that she will sit in that still while I get Carter and me breakfast and take my shower every morning.  

She loves people and loves to smile.  She has a sweet and fun personality just like her brother. 

Oh my sweet Mady girl.  We love you so much.  God has blessed you with so much joy in your little heart.  You are beautiful.  You have filled our home and our hearts with so much joy and we are so thankful God blessed us with a baby girl.  We are so thankful for you!  You melt my heart every time you smile at me.  We love you baby girl and we pray every day that you will grow to know how much we love you and how much God loves you.  God has amazing plans for your life!    

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