This was Carter's first present to open. It came in the mail from his Great Uncle Grant, Lane, and Haylee. He actually helped open this one!

Opening his cards from his Grandma and Grandpa in Iowa and his Great Grandma in Iowa.

Reading his cards

His elephant, Ellie, from us. He woke up at 7:15 on his birthday and we brought him out to see his elephant.

He thought some dishwasher time would be good on his birthday.

He had to check out all of his decorations and pictures that were up for his party.

And a favorite...playing with our cell phones. It wouldn't be a birthday celebration without some cell phone time.

We went and picked up his balloons for his party. He hardly fit in the car with all of those balloons.

And of course the cats loved them balloons too. We had to get those put away quickly!

He took his nap from 11 to 1pm when we woke him up for his big party. We let him sleep as long as possible. This is right after he woke up. He was still trying to figure out why there were so many people there looking at him.

Our food table

Grandpa and Carter...He is showing off his cheesy smile that we all LOVE!!

His very own personal elephant cake. This is the one that he got to dig into.

Animal masks for the kids that went along with our animal theme.

Gorilla mask on Jacob

Tayler and Carter

Eating lunch before he could really party

Being silly with his guests

Opening his presents

He got lots of cute clothes! He was starting to out grow a lot of his clothes so we are thankful for some new ones.

All of a sudden, he decided to dig right in.

His very own laptop!

"Happy Birthday to you..."

He wasn't too sure at first.

First bite he tried he ended up trying to dump on the floor.

He really had to think about what it was that he was eating...

And then he realized just how delicious it really was!

"Oh, yeah...that's good!"

Once he got to the actual cake part, he didn't want it anymore. He started taking pieces and throwing them on the floor. That was the end of cake time.

After Carter was done with his cake.

This was the cake for the rest of us.

Playing with Great Grandma Bradley. We are so glad they drove the eight hour drive last week to be here for his birthday.

All the kids playing in Carter's room. It's nice to finally have things to entertain kids now.

Opening a few more gifts.

Playing with his new dump truck.

Playing with two of his grandma's.

His new helmet to wear in his car that he got a few weeks ago.

This was right after he took his first few steps. We were all a little excited! He took his first steps in front of a lot of the grandparents, which was a special treat to have them here for that.

Trying to walk a little more. Later that night, he decided he liked this walking thing and just took off. He is now a walking man! And on his first birthday of all things! Thank you Carter!

There he goes!

Snuggles with Great Grandma Bradley.

4 generation picture. My Grandma and Grandpa, my mom, Carter and myself.

We had lots of pictures of Carter around the house.

Playing with Grandma.

Sweet Emma all partied out!

More animal decorations.

After his birthday party, we took him down to the park to ride the carousel for the first time. He loved it!

Happy Birthday Carter! We love you so much and had an amazing day celebrating YOU!!!
I will get on here later and do his 12 month blog with all the fun things he is up to at 12 months old! Thank you everyone for helping us celebrate our boy! We are so glad our families and some friends could be here with us!
Love this!!! I just posted Ellie's blog about her birthday and then came and saw Carters! It looks like they both had the same reactions to their cakes! :) And I love how we both posted cake "aftermath" photos! Proves we must be mama-bloggers!! Looks like the day was perfect! How special that you guys got the gift of a now walking toddler for your present, huh! Can't wait to see it in person. I love the carousel picture with his mouth open, Sooo cute!!