Saturday, October 9, 2010

Movin' on up...

Carter's first time in his infant car seat, just three days old.

Carter's last time in his infant car seat, 7 1/2 months old.

We hit another huge milestone last night. We bought Carter a new car seat, the big boy kind. I actually found myself a little emotional about it as we were driving home with him in his infant car seat for the last time. Of course, before we could take him out of it I had to take a picture. Poor baby...he was so tired and hungry and I just insisted on pictures of his last time in it.

The picture above shows how big he was for his infant seat. His feet were starting to hang over and his head is pretty close to the top. It was time to get a new one.

The next morning, we put in his new seat. As you can see, he was much happier to have his picture taken this time. He seems to like his new seat!

I am fully aware that one picture in each seat would have been plenty for you to get the idea. However, I am obsessed with my little man's smile and I just couldn't decide between each of them.

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