Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Family Reunion 2010

The Bradley family went to Coeur d laine (I have no idea how to spell that!) Idaho this last weekend for our annual family reunion. It was a nice weekend as a family and almost everyone was there for at least part of it. We ate A LOT!!! We played games, golfed, talked, shopped, hiked, ate a lot more, and went to a wonderful concert by Eric and Cami.

We went on a little hike at Tubbs Hill by the lake. This moose was at the very end of the trail.

Carter discovered his tongue this weekend and pretty much had it sticking out the whole time.

Watching cousin Craig
Cousin Carrie
This is what Carter's bath time looked like. It is funny how many adults get a kick out of watching Carter get a bath in the sink. :)

Cousin Amy
Sandy cooking dinner in her beautiful apron that was at the house.

Jay and Craig playing chess. They had a few intense games.

We had lots of wonderful, delicious meals!

Great Uncle Jim
Some of the family that was there. We were never all there at the same time so this was the best we could get.

Some of the cousins
I appreciate my family. I know we are not perfect. I know we drive each other crazy sometimes. I know we are all so different. But...we are a family who still tries to get together once a year to be with each other. That tells a lot! We all love each other and enjoy each other. I am thankful to be in a family who loves the Lord and has the same core faith as me. We may see things differently sometimes but on the truly important things...we are the same. Carter is so blessed to be loved by so many different people and have so many great aunts, great uncles, cousins and great grandparents!

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