We are so thankful we went! It was a lot of driving in such a short amount of time but it was all worth it. Carter did very well on the 16 hour car ride each way. We split both ways into two days. He did start to not like his car seat as much that week and we are still seeing the aftermath of that. We don't blame him though! Another thing that happened this month is that I turned 27. There is nothing glorious or excited about that age but it was still a fun birthday. Jay took all three of us to the beach for the weekend. A couple months back he had secretly talked to a friend and asked if we could have her beach house for the weekend. Then he told me about it on Mother's Day. We had such a nice time. Shopping, eating out, movies, lounging around, and good family time. I didn't get very many pictures and we didn't actually make it out onto the sand because every time Carter was awake the weather didn't cooperate. Here are a few pictures from our weekend.
There has been two other big events this month but I am going to save one of them for my next post. But the last and the best one is that my baby boy turned three months old on the 26th. I think the three month mark means he is officially not a new born anymore. He is such a beautiful little man with an amazing personality. I am going to brag about my boy for just a bit so bear with me.
-He smiles all the time!!!!
-He giggles some for mommy and daddy. Hopefully pretty soon it will happen more frequently for other people.
-He loves ceiling fans. He discovered them while we were in Iowa. Every time we walked into the living room it was like he remembered it was there and he would look for it. He finds them wherever they are now!
-He also loves TV. (And NO we don't let him watch it!!) If it is on he tries to find it. Even when he is eating he will get distracted by it.
-He can roll over from his belly to his back. He can't do the other way yet.
-He is the best sleeper at night!! After his last feeding, usually anywhere between 8:30 and 10:30 we lay him down in his crib and he falls asleep within a few minutes. He sleeps till around 6, I feed him again, and then he sleeps again until around 9. It is amazing!!!
-He is not the best napper during the day though. I am trying to get him to nap in his crib. He will fall asleep pretty quickly but then only sleeps for about 30 minutes. If any of you moms out there have any advice on that, please let me know!
-He is a mover and a shaker. It seems like he wants to be able to crawl or walk. He wants to be on the move but just can't yet. He is always kicking his legs, waving his arms, or even throwing his fists in the air like he just won the game. It's probably my new favorite thing that he does.
-He still eats about every three hours.
-He follows our voices. If he hears his daddy behind him he moves his head and eyes to find him.
-He is finally starting to be okay with his swing again. He has always hated his swing but now he tolerates it for bits at a time. He also loves to play on his floor mat and bat his hands at the toys hanging from it.
-His hands are always in his mouth! He sucks and chews on them all day long.
-He is mostly in 3-6 month clothes because he is so long. 0-3 month pants still fit him but they are looking a little on the short side.
-He was dedicated at church on Mother's Day.
-At his 2 month check up which was really 2 1/2 months he weighed 12 lbs 11.5 ounces and was in the 55th percentile for weight. He was 24 inches long and in the 75th percentile for height.
-He is fun and energetic and I am so deeply in love with him! We are so blessed to have such a happy, healthy little boy. Here are a few pictures that I took in his new frog outfit the day before he turned 3 months.
What fun pictures! I love the ones of you and him at the beach! So nice of Jay to plan that for your birthday! And I'm a terrible friend because I didn't know your uncle died and that you went to CA! Let's get together SOON! I need to see you and that sweet boy!