Carter turned 2 months old on the 26th. He is growing so much and changing every day. Here are some new things about Carter at 2 months old.
-He is smiling all the time!!! He has been smiling for many weeks but he has been a smiling machine for the last couple weeks. Jay and I will be talking to each other and we look down and Carter is smiling at us. He is super easy to get to smile and seems to be close to giggling too.
-He is an amazing traveler, by plane or car. However, he is not great at sleeping at night when we are on vacation.
-He is getting so strong and holds his head up really well. His legs are also getting strong and he likes to stand on our laps.
-He slept from 11 to 5 last night and then again till 9. He is starting to go longer stretches at night which is making for a very happy mommy.
-His eyes are still very blue and we think they are going to stay that way.
-He is getting super long. Even some of his 0-3 month jammies are getting too short. I wonder where he got his length from???
-He loves the front pack. We have even resorted to trying that when he won't fall asleep. It puts him out in minutes.
-His hair is really starting to grow. It is coming in more blond than when he was born.
-He loves to stare at people and any moving object.
-We have not had our two month check up yet, so we don't know what he weighs.
-He is a beautiful little man and we love him so much! He lights up our lives every day!
We flew to Iowa on the 23rd to visit Jay's dad's side of the family. We had a great time with the family. This was their first time meeting Carter and I think they kinda liked him. ;) Carter did amazing on the plane. He slept some and talked to mommy and daddy lots. People were pretty impressed by him. One lady sitting behind us said she didn't even realize he was their till we landed. The first flight we had a whole row to ourselves which was great! He was so happy and content both days of traveling! I was super proud of him. He did not sleep well at night while we were there though. That was very frustrating but I am sure we just messed up his schedule with the time change and the different environment. He has been sleeping great since we got home. Here are some pictures of our trip.
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