Jay got new hiking boots for his birthday. He new he was getting them because he had to actually try them on first or I wouldn't know what size to get him.
We finally started our bathroom remodel. I really shouldn't say "we" because I haven't done a single thing to help. Jay has finished the tile floor, cabinet, counter, sink, and faucet. All he has left to do this weekend is put the baseboards on and put the toilet back in. I am so thankful for such a handyman husband. He did this all himself with some help from my Dad. I am so impressed by anyone that can just do a project like this even though they have never done it before. Thank you Jay for my beautiful bathroom!! Especially since you are already so busy working to support your "bedrested" wife. I love you!
I will also update everyone on my pregnancy. We had a doctor's appointment on Monday. My blood pressure is doing so well that he isn't planning on inducing me next week. He just wants to take it week by week now. I have another non-stress test at the hospital Saturday and then another doctor's appointment Monday. I have just over two weeks left until my official due date. I am still on bed rest which I am beyond sick of! This week I have been a little more active because I know how well the medicine is working. I am still home almost all day and on the couch for most of it. I am getting up a little more though. I even went to school to see my kids today. I miss them lots!
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