Love life!
Love animals, especially dogs!
Say dog, but it sounds more like daaaa, while pointing to a dog
Are now taking only one nap most days
Swing your left arm when you run as if it makes you go faster
Understand so much!
Love walking everywhere (I've started letting you walk into stores, holding my hand)
Have many moments of incredible obedience and moments of pure naughtiness
Usually wake up between 7 and 8 but every once in a while even sleep in till 9
Love people and making people smile
Love giving kisses to almost anyone
Have thrown a few temper tantrums
When you don't want to walk where I am trying to go, you plop yourself right down to the floor
Still LOVE your blankie
Wear mostly 18 month clothes with a few 12 months that still fit
Wear size four diapers
Love pointing to your nose, mouth, teeth, hair, feet, toes, tummy, and eyes when we ask
Love pointing to your nose, mouth, teeth, hair, feet, toes, tummy, and eyes when we ask