Tuesday, December 21, 2010

"These are a few of my favorite things..."

This post was going to be all about Carter's favorite things right now...
However, I found too many other pictures I wanted to put in here too. So this is a mix of cuteness and Carter's favorite things.

Favorite thing...His new train track and all the pieces to go with it. We bought this from our friends, the Whitehurst's, for the future. Carter is a little young to actually play with it but he sure loves to destroy whatever daddy builds!

Favorite thing...playing with his friends. We watched our friends little girl Grace for a day and the two of them had a great time playing together.

This is not a favorite thing but it makes me laugh every time I look at it so I wanted it on here. We were all snuggling and playing in bed on Sunday morning but as soon as I left to get the camera, this is what happened. This was the morning of our anniversary, and it was my plan to take lots of pictures of our day. This was the only picture I got. :(

Oh, and this one. My two guys looking so spiffy! This is Carter's Christmas outfit and I think he just looks adorable. He was soooooo tired and ready for a nap so this picture isn't great of him but they looked too good to not get a picture.

Favorite thing...The big bin full of the train stuff. He loves to stand next to it and play with it, open or closed. Then we look over and he was standing on top of a shoe box. We didn't even see him do it.

Favorite thing...looking at all of his books. This is a new favorite thing but he did this for 20 minutes yesterday. I was a very proud mama!

Favorite thing...The dishwasher! This can entertain this kid forever! It is great for cooking dinner. I just have to make sure their aren't any knives in the silverware tray.

Favorite thing...The drawer full of his dishes. This can also entertain him forever!

Favorite thing...His DADDY!

Favorite thing...The vacuum. He has loved the vacuum since he was tiny! Now he actually plays with it and on it. He follows me all over the house smiling when I am vacuuming. It is great fun!

Favorite thing...Playing with more friends! Jameson (right) is my friend Amanda's little guy and Ellie (left) is my friend Hollie's little girl.

Favorite thing...Anything that has to do with the Christmas tree.

Favorite thing...Christmas lights!

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