We have a ten month old! Holy cow!! Two more months and we will celebrate Carter's first birthday. I could cry! Seriously!
I'm just going to write about my baby at ten months. I think you have seen enough pictures on my Christmas blog so I won't post anymore.
My sweet Carter...
-You are SO mobile now! You finally decided you don't need to always army crawl and you are now up on your hands and knees. You have been mobile for three months now but you are finally crawling "normally." You are so fast and get even faster if you are heading for something you know you aren't supposed to have. Not only are you crawling but you can walk pretty quickly if you are holding onto something. You mastered your push cart the first time you used it. You can even walk pushing the cart on the hard wood floors, which seriously impresses me! Today you even stood all by yourself for a few seconds, not holding onto anything. It will not be long before you are a walking man!
-You will wave at anyone and everyone! Yesterday at Taco Time you waved at an older couple a few booths away the whole time we were there. Pretty much if someone waves at you, you do it right back and then keep doing it. It's the cutest wave too. Your hand stays in place and you move your fingers up and down. Love it!
-You also love to give kisses! Especially if you are in a calm, sweet mood, I can usually get 20 kisses in a row. You have even started doing more of a real kiss with your mouth closed. It's usually a little less wet for us which we greatly appreciate.
-You have really started to copy what we do. You will copy sounds and movements. You say mama and dada. Sometimes we even think you are trying to say duck, when we say it, and then lots of other sounds that we make.
-You love to tease your kitties. You will crawl over to them and fling something in their face and just laugh and laugh.
-You love to sing and dance. Anytime you hear music your body immediately starts to move and shake. Some of the time when I am singing, you will sing with me. You have the softest cutest, high pitch voice and you constantly make noise right along with me. Those are some of my favorite moments with you!
-You have finally started liking books and being read too. You no longer feel the need to eat the book which helps us read it to you much better. You like to turn the pages and you do seem to listen to what we are saying. I have caught you a few times sitting on your bedroom floor by you book basket, just looking at all of the books.
-Night time is still very inconsistent. Some nights you sleep for 12 hours straight, other nights you get up 2-3 times a night. I seriously cannot figure you out!
-You love playing with pens, cell phones, and remote controls.
-You are eating three meals a day of solids and still nursing 3-4 times a day. We are starting the process of weaning you off nursing which makes me sad, but it is getting to be that time.
-At your nine month check up, your stats were...
weight...21 lbs 7.5 ounces (60th percentile)
height...28.25 (45th percentile)
head...47 cm (85th percentile)
-You HATE getting your clothes and diaper changed! It is actually driving me nuts! :)
-You are super ticklish and you laugh so hard when you are being tickled.
-You have five teeth now! The fifth one just broke through last week. Poor guy!
You are a joy, Carter! We love you so much and enjoy everything about you.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Christmas 2010...AKA the longest post EVER!
Jay worked till 5 on Christmas eve so Carter and I just had a lazy day around the house. I watched a couple of Christmas movies and baked some cookies. We went to our church's Christmas Eve service that evening and enjoyed that very much. Carter was in the service with us so we were a little distracted but he did pretty well. After church we went to my moms house to do dinner and gifts with her. Carter got to open his first gifts there and loved everything. He got some musical instruments and he loves them! He also got a fire truck with lego blocks that go on it.
Trying to get a picture of Carter in his handsome Christmas outfit and smiling at the camera was next to impossible with the Christmas tree within reach. I finally gave him an ornament to distract him away from the tree.
Jay had gone out in the middle of the night and put all of Carter's presents out and got everything ready. I thought it was really cute that he wanted it all ready when Carter woke up. Of course, we didn't set an alarm because Carter is usually our alarm but he slept till 9 on Christmas morning! We were supposed to be at my dad's at 10 and do all of our presents before that. Oops...Oh well, we took our time opening our gifts and then went to my dad's.
After we did our presents at home we went over to my Dad's for breakfast of french toast and then presents with them.
After my dad's, Jay's mom came to our house for the last of our celebrations with our parents.
A seat for the bath tub from Grandma Hinderks. He even took a bath with it later and loved it! He is totally able to sit on his own in the tub but he is always trying to stand up and slipping all over the place. This will just help keep him in one spot.
Trying out his new bath seat. He loved it and had such a fun time playing with all of his new bath toys. Thank you Grandma and Grant, Lane, and Hayley for all the fun bath toys!
We drove to Sandy to spend some time with Jay's family. His grandparents, two uncles, and one of their families were all there. It was a great time to see everyone.
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